Performing Arts
The Performing Arts section brings together articles examining the transatlantic exchange of objects,...
The Performing Arts section brings together articles examining the transatlantic exchange of objects,...
“C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones” gravada originalmente em italiano,...
Considered from the point of view of sport during a long twentieth century, the Atlantic space shows...
Le mouvement du théâtre communautaire argentin, né dans les années 1980, est aujourd’hui une référence...
Mesmo em um cenário historiográfico dominado por olhares globais, o interesse no Atlântico persiste –...
Either directly or through the non-governmental institutions and actors, states have also played a...
Studying vocal performance styles during his time in Europe during the 1950s, the US ethnomusicologist...
Les littératures atlantiques ont été le véhicule privilégié de l'histoire culturelle du Monde...
From its 1950s roots in Brazil to its proliferation around the world, the history of Theatre of the...
O artigo apresenta os principais processos envolvidos na produção e circulação da música gravada...
Santiago Álvarez Román (1919-1998) foi um cineasta cubano, diretor dos Noticieros ICAIC, cinejornal...
In the second half of the 19th century, photographs circulated widely in a triangular region...
Boxing is a major modern sport. Codified in England at the end of the eighteenth century, it became a...
A major challenge for the Transatlantic Cultures project has been creating a historical periodization...
Grupos típicos de Pernambuco, Brasil, os maracatus expressam através de música, dança e rituais,...
Popular music is frequently analyzed through national ‘musical genres,’ consecrated through specific...
Robert FitzRoy was a British commander responsible of the HMS Beagle expedition between the decades of...
Ruy Guerra (RG) was born on 22/08/1931 in Lourenço Marques (now Maputo), capital of the Portuguese...
Fernando Ortizs pioneering work established the foundations for the study of the black population in...
This article explores operatic networks in the nineteenth century, with a focus on mobility between...
Between the 18th and the 21st centuries, the musical transatlantic space has profoundly changed,...
In 1941, the influential publisher Henry Luce declared the century “American.” The United States’ new...
The section approaches the historical and cultural practices that involve cinema in the transatlantic...
Paulin Soumanou Vieyra (1925-1987) nasceu em Porto Novo (Benin). Estudou no Institut des hautes études...
In the field of visual arts, the study of transatlantic exchange has seen recent growth in the...
A dimensão transatlântica do projeto estético do cineasta brasileiro Glauber Rocha será discutida a...
Transatlantic memory and heritage evoke a permanent oscillation between universal and specific values,...
A revista Cine Cubano, criada em 1960, promoveu por mais de quatro décadas a circulação de notícias e...
Scientific exchanges reigned in the nineteenth century and were indispensable to the process of...
This article studies transatlantic networks established by film director Chris Marker. Whereas it...
South Atlantic is approached as a space of circulation over three distinct periods. The first begins...
The Atlantic is the setting for many exchanges in the education of artists, especially painters. Since...
“I knew that music would be my language and that I would discover the world through it.” From the ...
Cuban-born artist Wifredo Lam was a key figure of Surrealism's transversal network in the 20th...
This section examines how the movements of thinkers and ideas around the Atlantic basin produced...